Ecopsychology in Action


Project NatureConnect

Ecopsychology in Action
Project NatureConnect
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250   (360) 378-6313
E-MAIL nature@interisland.net

The Whole-Life Art and Science of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN)

Organic Ecotherapy Degrees, Courses and Certification Online

Applied Ecopsychology – Organic Psychology – Ecotherapy – Natural Attraction Ecology 

Read full details



Are  you one of the gifted few that love their ability to love the life of Nature?  If so, you can strengthen this gift, increase your joy and help others find it for themselves through the organic application of Ecopsychology.

Validate your natural spirit. Accredit your life experiences.  Enjoy a livelihood that strengthens the special person that you are and the love of Nature that you hold.

Our funded ECHN online certification or degrees and training enable you to create whole life moments in natural areas. There you let the life of Earth reasonably teach your 54 natural senses how to let Nature renew them so they may increase personal, social and environmental well-being for yourself and others. In this way ECHN lets your love of Nature improve your relationships, career and economics. 

woodwalkProject NatureConnect Heron

















Organic Ecopsychology: The Whole of Nature’s Life is Your Life


Because many parts of Industrial Society are estranged from Nature’s perfection this website and its ECHN program is your means to renew the life and health of Planet Earth in and as you. We warranty that it accurately enables you to create mutually beneficial relationships with Earth’s self-correcting ways and help others do the same.

If you have had a good experience in Nature you know the joy of its restorative energies. They renew of your spirit as they clear your mind and unify you with the beauty of Nature’s life. Don’t be fooled, This is not recreation. It is re-creation and its importance is being ignored by our prejudice against it.  

Alert! Be aware of this catastrophe: Our sensory disconnection from the balance, grace and regenerative powers of Nature produces our personal and environmental miseries.  We suffer because we ignore an ECHN remedy that helps us reconnect with Nature in and around us.  

Without ECHN, on average we spend over 99 percent of our lifetime out of tune with the whole life way that Planet Earth works.

Too often we overlook that the life of our Planet is our aliveness. This means that no part of Earth can be dead. The passion of Organism Earth to survive is the passion of our life to live.

Our lives inherently sense, feel and attach to Earth’s life in 54 sensory attraction ways.  When we injure parts of it, we injure parts of us. For this reason alone Organism Earth is special. It is the only one of its kind that we know. It should be protected from our trespasses under an Endangered Species Act. 

We are unbalanced because the intelligent, therapeutic ways of our natural psyche are abandoned and stressed like a fish out of water.  Nature’s whole-life dance is homeless in our mind and spirit. We have lost daily contact with its unifying energies, balance and peaceWe have learned to live like people in a room filled with laser beams that we can’t see. Every time we move too far towards something whole-life reasonable we get burned.


Attraction is the core of Earth’s life-dance. It is attractive for everything to belong. Nothing has been discovered that is not held together by attraction and this includes us personally and collectively. 

We are naturally caring and reasonable because attraction is the fundamental energy of love that creates relationships in balance throughout Earth and the Universe, from sub-atomics to galaxies. In concert, everything in the Web of Life is attracted to how it is relating to and dependent upon everything else. That love keeps the whole of life in equilibrium.  Scientists call this homeostasis.   


Humanity is the only member of the web of life has the gift of speech and literacy. Wherever Nature is not injured by the destructive stories that we create about it, the life of Organism Earth flourishes without producing garbage, pollution or disorders.

We seldom learn that we have 54 natural senses that normally attract our life to Earth’s unconditional love. Sadly, we are encouraged to disengage these senses from Nature’s self-correcting ways and attach them instead to our Nature-conquering stories, technologies and relationships.  This disconnection eviscerates Organism Earth and us. It severs our mutually supportive embrace. The pain this creates undermines our relationships. We feel hurt, loss and unfulfilled.  We constantly want so there is never enough, including enough love.  This produces our disastrous greed, addictions and miseries, locally and globally.

It is no accident that when we are in quiet, re-creation contact with a natural area our disconnection pain temporarily transforms into peace and happiness as the life of our 54 senses is renewed by the embrace of its origin.


The Whole-Life Art and Science of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) helps us create authentic sensory attraction moments in natural areas. It make safe time and space for the self-correcting ways of non-literate “Organism Earth” to lovingly re-bond its balance and beauty with our nature-disconnected 54 senses including our ability to speak from them. ECHN can help the millions of people who suffer due to their “normal” sensory disconnection from the natural world. 

The application of ECHN renews, transforms and corrects our alienated sensibilities and misleading stories. It helps us address the heart of our problems rather than only use stop-gap measures or bandaids for them.

ECHN helps long term personal and global unity prevail and disorders subside. It lets the life of Nature’s Unified Attraction Field restore in each of us the satisfactions and health of person/planet integrity.


Through 54 natural sensory attractions that ECHN helps you connect with in natural areas, your life is loved as part of the life of our planet. This is the same way that your heart, fingers and toes love to support your life and vice-versa. 

ECHN empowers your love of Nature to help all things enjoy and strengthen their wellness as part of Organism Earth’s passion for life.


Project NatureConnect

Are you tired of the nonsense in your personal life and society?

      • Stop it.
      • Become smarter.
      • Learn how to create moments that let Earth teach you its wisdom, backyard or backcountry.
      • Reasonably think, feel and act with the 54 natural senses you inherit from Nature, not the non-sense of just five.

To continue,
please choose your next step:

Enroll in our Orientation Program

– Take our organized website tour: Explore Key ECHN Opportunities
(Search Engine: Warrantied accurate, Online, Life experience, Hands-on, Customized, Organic, Activity and outcome based, Free activities, Telephone support, Interactive, Practical, Work-study, Grant funding, Jobs, Accredited, 18 month Ph.D. $7800, M.S. $6000.) 

– Read the next section of this Introduction.

– Visit items of interest in our homepage menu, above.

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You were there

You were there

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Project NatureConnect

 Ecopsychology in Action




Scientifically, moment-by-moment, Nature’s universe is attracted/loves to create the whole life of its time and space. This intelligent essence is what makes the world go round. 

We each have 54-different natural senses that register Nature’s attraction love. These senses, including our sense of reason, are supported by this love while they make it more reasonable to us.  For example: it makes sense that our unadulterated sense of hunger loves food in a balanced and organic way so it soon becomes food for others.


Today, our unscientific stories indoctrinate our senses, sensibilities and feelings to destructively treat Planet Earth as if it was dead or mechanical. This does not make sense. It deteriorates Earth’s life that is our life.

ECHN ecotherapy empowers anyone to reverse this ever increasing personal and global catastrophe This is a reasonable thing for us to do. We are Earthlings, we live in our planet, under its atmosphere, clouds and birds in flight. The wisdom of Earth’s life in balance is the wisdom of our life when we consciously connect ourselves to it through ECHN.

It is a scientific fact
that in any given moment, our life is Earth’s love of its life (survival) manifesting itself as the unique and loving personhood of each of us and vice-versa. This is also true for all other people, places and things that make up the life of our planet and Nature.

In the Now, moment-by-moment, our life mutually contributes
to the life of Earth because it is it.  Our excretions feed it while it feeds us.

To our loss, when we act from unreliable or outdated stories, they disconnect us from Earth’s life in the moment. This injures our planet and it hurts our body, mind and spirit. We live in the shadow of that hurt. We spend most of our lives trying to reduce or avoid its pain while Industrial Society pays us to further produce it.


Our traditional education, counseling and healing are unreasonable. They seldom teach us how to reconnect with Nature. They omit that the self-correcting balance and beauty of the life of Nature and Earth is the fountainhead of authority on itself and well-being. The results of this omission speak for themselves.

Be reasonable. Learn how to use the ecopsychology of ECHN to constructively blend together the Now life of Nature with our outdated stories while you are in a natural area, backyard or backcountry. Our old story habits need that Now time and space to transform into the whole of life and its pain reducing truths that we long for today.

The whole life art and science of ECHN  helps you to create moments that let Earth teach us its sanity, backyard or backcountry.  It enables your heart to safely speak from authentic Nature’s ways and share this experience with others in person or by email. Together you produce legitimate Earth-based stories that strengthen the natural world within others and yourself.  You help Nature bring back to life the deadnd element in Industrial Society that deteriorates it and you.


Once you do an ECHN nature-reconnecting activity and bolster your well-being, you become your own boss in this regard. You independently own that ECHN process and its results forever. You can apply it again and again as well as teach it to others as a responsibility, hobby or livelihood. The life of Earth loves you to do this and it and ECHN supports your every effort emotionally, technically and financially.


Can you hear the life of Earth asking you to use ECHN to increase the peace and happiness of personal, social and global well-being for yourself and all others great and small?  If so, why not increase your well-being and happiness?  Learn what you want to know.  Start our Orientation Program right now.  Application Your class is forming
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313


To continue, please choose your next step:

Enroll in our Orientation Program

Explore the special opportunities offered by ECHN

– Read the next section of this Introduction.


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 Come join us on an expedition into Project NatureConnect. – folks can begin right away……

Ecopsychology in Action

Come join us on an expedition into Project NatureConnect. – folks can begin right away……

 Project NatureConnect

Project NatureConnect

Ecopsychology in Action












Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) Ecotherapy

in cooperation with
Portland State University CEU Courses

Akamai University Applied Ecopsychology,
AASIC International Accreditation

Subsidized Online Courses, Degrees, Certifications and Training in Organic Forms of Ecotherapy, Psychology and Relationships. 

For complete application and participation information select here.
  • Recommended:  Take the new, self-paced, guided express tour through the highlights of ECHN and and its opportunities.  Select Here


Project NatureConnect
P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313  |   
EMAIL: nature@interisland.net

Founder/Director Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.  

SPECIAL NOTE:  On-site training with Dr. Cohen available by appointment.  Call (360) 378-6313



ECHN gives you special advantages

Benefit from our subsidized applied ecopsychology courses, training, certifications and degrees. They validate and support the life of any nature lover who recognizes that:

  • Planet Earth is a living organism
    It is the only one we know.
    It should be protected under an Endangered Species Act.
  • The beautiful life of Earth and our life are identical. What hurts one, hurts the other. ECHN helps you enjoyably transform what’s hurtful into what’s helpful.
  • We are continually educated, counseled and paid to corrupt natural life in and around us. Hasn’t this already happened to you and yours in some way so you suffer from it? Earth’s unadulterated web-of-life perfection only acts in mutually supportive ways. Its self-correcting process does not produce garbage, everything is attractive, in balance and belongs, including you and yours.
  • Like the life of Nature itself, except for humanity, our living planet does not communicate in words or stories. It does not write books or create videos or understand them. When the latter are unreasonable or outdated they deteriorate and corrupt the defenseless plants, animals, minerals and energies of Earth’s web-of-life community, including our natural selves.

    • Moment by moment, each of Earth’s “story-less” life relationships, great or small supportively commune to all their whole life integrity as it constantly grows.  For example: it makes sense that pond life lives in the life of the pond.  Similarly, it makes sense that we live in Organism Earth/Gaia and its balanced, self-sustaining ways, not just on it. It is our nature-disconnecting stories that remove us from it.
    • Our stories have indoctrinated us to excessively build and swim our lives in human built artificial, cement or plastic, heated swimming pools without including whole-life ECHN contact with Earth’s natural aliveness in balance.
    • Our lives and loves are concentrated on coping with chemicals in our artificial pool water, making money for using the pool, depleting resources to build, operate and maintain the pool and building more pools. We obtain prestige and get paid not to swim in Nature’s life stream dance of our planet home.
  • Today, our lives increasingly lose conscious 54 felt-sense contact with the beneficial natural balance and self-sustaining life of Earth. The personal and global miseries that result are self-evident. This nightmare is not a dream; rather it is “normal” and unjustly profitable as it collapses from lack of ECHN.
  • Omitting ECHN from our education, relationships and lives is as unreasonable as expecting to live well by paying for today’s goods and services with outdated Confederate money. No surprise, this does not work as Earth Misery Day demonstrates.
  • ECHN is an ecopsychology and ecotherapy tool to genuinely connect ourselves with our planet’s self-correcting, immediate aliveness and get up to date, authentic, whole life moment information about being in balance within and around us.
  • Any reasonable person can use ECHN to remedy and prevent the hurt and disorders that they and others suffer from being indoctrinated to excessively and habitually disconnect from the self-correcting wholeness, balance and integrity of our planet’s life as its dance flows through us and becomes us.

 Your class is forming now.  |  Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313


To continue, please choose your next step:

Enroll in our Orientation Program

Explore the special opportunities offered by ECHN

– Read the next section of this Introduction.


 Ecopsychology in Action



Objective science produces knowledge from logical, systematic methods whose evidence excludes myths and other unprovable or subjective information. For this reason the founding story of Industrial Society is misleading in that it is not based on Planet Earth being a living organism. Gaia evidence and our 54 “subjective” natural sensitivities tell us that Earth is alive. Its life is our life and we are not dead. 

At birth and before, our senses and feelings register Earth as a living organism and that they are its life being them. They register the life of Earth as a planet womb that completely envelopes and supports our childhood and adult life.

Sadly, our foundation of dead Earth stories disconnects us from Nature’s balance and beauty and this injures our lives. The stories make us habitually deny our shared life relationship with Organism Earth and reject that we have 54 inborn sensory ways of loving our Planet Mother and receiving love from her. To our loss, our stories detach our senses from Nature and reattach them to our nature estranged ways along with their destructive effects and short-term gratifications.

The pain of our disconnection from our Planet Mother’s life and love produces discontents that undermine our relationships. We lose whole life satisfaction and this makes us want. We sense and feel that there is never enough.  That sensation is the underlying source of our greed, disorders and unrest. It explains why quiet time in a natural area calms and restores us.

The whole life art and science of Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature (ECHN) empowers us to sensory reconnect with and embrace the self-correcting life of Organism Earth. This helps us recognize Organism Earth as an endangered species, one that deserves the missing love, protection and support that our 54 natural senses can give it as it strengthens them.

Our faulty foundation’s education, healing and politics produce corrupt stories and relationships because they do not create moments the let Organism Earth teach our 54 senses what we need to know to come into balance with Earth and ourselves.  To be reasonable and happy we must use ECHN to reverse the catastrophic effects of our faulty foundation story.

How can we win the battle to increase the well-being of our planet/person life without strengthening our inborn ability to know and love our planet home as Organism Earth rather than an exploitable resource? ECHN enables our body, mind, and spirit to accomplish this by restoring our emotional bonds with nature or forging new ones. 

ECHN reconnects, recycles and transforms our hurt and disconnected 54 natural attraction/love senses to embrace Nature in and around us as of old. This motivates and reverses our deterioration of the life of Earth and us. It changes our miseries into the happiness of whole life well-being.


To continue, please choose your next step:

Enroll in our Orientation Program

Explore the special opportunities offered by ECHN

– Read the next section of this Introduction.

Project NatureConnect




ECHN: The Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy Process of Whole Life Art,  Science and Spirit in Action

We hold in common with the web-of-life, a basic natural attraction to survive. It is our inherent love of the life of Earth, the universe and ourselves. That natural love is our deepest desire to live in happy balance moment by moment.

The essence of natural attraction is its love to unite things. The essence of everything consists of and shares this love. It includes our love of our senses of reason, consciousness, literacy, community and music along with our 50 additional natural attraction senses.

Nature’s love was attracted to love us into being so that we each, in our unique and special ways, help nature strengthen it’s love of its whole life, moment-by-moment.

“Flat outstretched upon a mound
Of earth I lie; I press my ear
Against its surface and I hear
Far off and deep, the measured sound
Of heart that beats within the ground.
And with it pounds in harmony
The swift, familiar heart in me.
They pulse as one, together swell,
Together fall; I cannot tell
My sound from earth’s, for I am part
Of rhythmic, universal heart.”

― Elizabeth Odell

Project NatureConnect’s sensory whole life ECHN art and science enables anybody to reasonably create  ecotherapy attraction/love unified life moments in natural areas.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

These moments consist of 54-sense connections with Nature, backyard of back country. They strengthen us and release us from, rather than further attach us to, the half-truth and artificial replacements for authentic Nature that produce our runaway miseries.  Each whole life moment is an antidote for our wide range of nature deficit disorders
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

We personally can avoid and remedy most problems by gaining 54-sense answers and their satisfactions through genuinely connecting to the life of Earth’s Unified Field (Einstein), an essence that exists in and around us.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

Each of our 54 sense connections helps our inborn love of life bring back into play the truths that our objective science and thinking omit as being “subjective.  “To our loss, this omission includes the inborn “subjectivity” of our love of life, our love to survive and our love of Nature and Earth. ECHN reconnecting back to Nature ecotherapy helps us recover and strengthen these loves.

“I believe that the Universe is one being all its parts are different expressions of the same energy and they are all in communication with each other therefore parts of one organic whole. This whole is in all its parts so beautiful and is felt by me to be so intensely in earnest that I am compelled to love it and to think of it as divine.”

 Robinson Jeffers

The established ways of Industrial Society teach us to think using only 8 of of our 54 natural senses (15%) because most of these other senses are “subjective.” For this reason alone, most senses are rejected by our objectivity.

Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

As the disastrous state of the world demonstrates, our objectivity is only 15 percent whole-life intelligent. It needs to learn and teach the ecotherapeutic 54-sense art and science of ECHN.

We must learn from Earth itself how its perfection works. There may be no other better instructor for it since it is the fountainhead of authority on how it works. Blending and binding our senses with the life of our Planet produces responsible relationships and happiness because we are it doing it. This is a giant positive step beyond book learning.

We hold our 54-sense/sensations/sensitivities in common with each other and with the life of Earth. Via ECHN ecopsychology, in any given moment they sensibly make, and help us make, whole life sense.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

We desperately need the support ECHN gives to our lives and the lives of those we love.

It is stupid or insane for any of us to knowledgeably destroy our own life-support system when the ECHN means to not do this is readily available.

“We have repressed far more than our sexuality: our very organic nature is now unconscious to most of us, most of the time, and we have become shrunken into two dimensional social or cultural beings, aware of only five of the hundreds of senses that link us to the rich biological nature that underlies and nourishes these more symbolic and recent aspects of ourselves.”

― Norman O. Brown

To continue, please choose your next step:

Enroll in our Orientation Program

Explore the special opportunities offered by ECHN

– Read the next section of this Introduction.

Ecopsychology in Action



Wake Up CatBe reasonable.  Wake Up.

It is 2015 A.D. It is no longer scientifically possible to prove that our Planet is dead.

It is time to realize that nobody has ever been able to distinguish the whole life difference between life and death. That difference is imaginary. Our ability to communicate through stories is what can die.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

Your practice or education in any field is inappropriate and destructive before it begins when it does not start with Earth being a wise and sensitive living organism.

Think about this: is your education or training Certified Organic?  Does it Warranty its accuracy? Why not? We are at risk.  What are “Education” and others waiting for?

The Applied Ecopsychology (Ecopsychology in Action),  unified art and science of ECHN organically produces the long term, living Earth well-being that you can add to your life. Presently, ECHN is desperately missing in our learning and lives.

You can add ECHN to any or all of your interests and benefit forever.

“Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there – I do not sleep.
I am the thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints in snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
As you awake with morning’s hush
I am the swift-up-flinging rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there – I did not die.”

― Mary Frye

Project NatureConnect supports you building for yourself a critically important ECHN right livelihood or hobby. It is a sorely needed organic way of increasing personal, social and environmental well-being.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313
Subjective or not, sensations and feelings exist. They are self-evident facts of life that are just as real and true as are material facts. For example: the living sensation of thirst is as real and true as is the life of material water.

ECHN helps your thinking to become 100 percent, 54-sense intelligent and make reasonable changes and help others do the same.

ECHN also enables you let Nature be a trustable “higher power” when you seek it.  It can help you discover a more balanced, peaceful way to enjoy life fully, and with more confidence.

We support folks who in their heart know ECHN is the right and wise thing for them to learn. To not use it leaves us to continue to do what we’ve been doing and producing its miseries while not knowing how to stop.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

Without ECHN, our objectivity and fables have taught us to omit 85 percent of our sensibilities. Like idiots, we construct, get paid for and endure life out of balance.  This injures us. It is unreasonable and unjust. It illegally violates our rights to life and the pursuit of happiness as it eviscerates the life of Earth and us.

Are you one of the few that treasures your natural capacity to love or appreciate the life of Nature and our Planet, in and around us?  If so you can become certified in what you already love, understand and can do.

You may take who you are and implement the much needed whole-life art and science of ECHN to reduce hurt and heal yourself. You can help others do the same. Your life can make a major difference in reducing our excessive life ways.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313It makes perfect sense to support and strengthen the sensible
54-sense “subjective” part of yourself. Get smart. Become whole-life intelligent.

 Application Your class is forming now


“A roaring brook refreshed me. I have been cheered by the song of a thrush and renewed by the sea breeze. A wildflower’s fragrance brought me joy. Each experience was a purifying, self-evident moment of love when the aliveness of nature’s dance in and as me genuinely reconnected to its dance around me.

The combined art and science of this ECHN program helps me at will, make the self-correcting powers of such moments available for myself and others, at work or play. I am in conscious sensory contact with both my story world and my non-story  Earth-self. Like a Rosetta Stone, I help the two reasonably communicate with each other, in and around me, through 54 unified and unifying natural senses that both hold in common.

Doing this feels sensible and good. It makes me happy. It has replaced my attachments and vulnerability to stupid and outdated stories and relationships.”

― ECHN Student


Start the ECHN Introductory Course and your program here.  Why wouldn’t you want to add this important benefit to your life and livelihood?

Application Your class is forming now

Project NatureConnect Warranty

The Impossible Dream Warranty
: love it, live it and share its undeniable truth.

  • The Albert Einstein Sensory Ecology Track This funded 18 month B.S, M.S. or Ph.D. incorporates your life experience, prior training & skills. The value and contribution of your deeper self can be certified.

To continue, please choose your next step:

Enroll in our Orientation Program

Explore the special opportunities offered by ECHN

– Read the next section of this Introduction.

Ecopsychology in Action

natjunipergrn Project NatureConnect HeronProject NatureConnect

Project NatureConnect Students with Mike Cohen

The Essence of Unity Video: Discover how you and I are the aliveness and grace of our planet.

Project NatureConnect from Dylan Howard on Vimeo.

Ecopsychology in Action

Ecopsychology in Action

Project NatureConnect


The responsibility of education, counseling and healing is to give people the things they need in order to grow into contributing and wholesome members of their society and its status today.

What was needed in ancient times to achieve this is history. It has very little in common with the Universe and Earth today as we enjoy advanced knowledge, science and technologies that are necessary to live a safe and healthy life that benefits from today’s advanced opportunities and challenges.

To maintain and support reasonable personal, social and environmental well-being, the core of what we learn must include what is known today, that Planet Earth is a Living Organism. It has the capacity to correct, balance and purify itself. As part of the life of Earth, learning how to reconnect with its authenticity empowers you to correct, balance and purify yourself, no matter your interests, beliefs or economic status.

Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

Educate yourself to learn how to remember what you inherently know and are paid to forget.

Because our leaders identify our disorders but don’t give 
 tools to remedy them, we give you them, free,
here and now.



Organic Degrees and Life Experience Courses, CEU Training, Grants and Financial Assistance.

It’s a crazy world and you can “stop the madness” because, backyard or backcountry, ECHN enables you to learn, free, from immediate self-evidence, how to create restorative moments that let Earth teach you what you need to know to come into the sanity of personal and global well-being.


You can help your body, mind and spirit relate to our living Planet Earth as our whole, non-storytelling body.

If you have ever had a good experience in nature that reduced your stress, cleared your mind and/or renewed your spirit, you know exactly how and why this program succeeds. It is because it enables you to instantly think and feel like nature’s wisdom works, moment by moment, long term. You improve your life by accrediting that you have this knowledge and that you can teach it to others.

In our excessively nature-disconnected society most folks are destructively addicted to something that relieves their pain from their disconnection. No surprise, reconnecting with nature helps them transform their stress and addiction into organic ways of thinking, feeling and relating in balance.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

Because this accredited and guaranteed sensory tool for building mutually supportive relationships works, its grant program instantly enables you and our leaders to reverse personal, social and environmental disorders.

Our unique, no-nonsense, ecotherapy techniques help you directly enlist and apply nature’s correcting and purifying powers. Free of charge, they give you the ability to restore our ill-treated body, mind and spirit by letting nature heal itself, in and around us.  To date, the only side-effects that have been reportecd are more joyous feelings, more confidence in one’s natural being, and shifts toward more enriching, satisfying career paths.

We offer the impossible dream, a low cost, hands-on process online that engages the benefits of nature’s recycling energies when added to any
 relationship, therapy, profession or healing practice.

Project NatureConnect gives you cooperative participation, evidence and outcome based, courses, careers and Applied Ecopsychology degree programs that increase local and global well-being. Enjoy distance education that is ….hands-on …exploratory  …interactive …organic …guaranteed effective …Ecotherapy ….includes life experience …Integral Ecology training.


  • AFFORDABLE TUITION: We are a subsidized online learning community of all ages: only $6,000 B.S …. $6,000 M.S….$7,800 Ph.D. along with interest-free financial assistance or a grant if you need it.
  • TRUST SAFELY. This program is about you learning the important things that you want to know without going broke.
  • Learn how to consistently think and feel with the peak fact,unadulterated clarity and happiness of nature’s perfection that you were born with and have already enjoyed in attractive natural areas.
  • Enable others to use and teach the astonishing science and peace of this uncorrupted mental health, stress reduction process. See our Valentine’s Day special for every day of the year.
  • Empower yourself and our leaders to benefit from purifying time and energy spent in natural areas, garden to wilderness.

  • Build a scientific whole life, 54-sense structure in your psyche that registers, values and sustains forever the deep sensory truths you find in nature, in and around you.  We hold, certify and warranty these balancing truths to be self-evident.

Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313


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Enroll in our Orientation Program

Explore the special opportunities offered by ECHN

– Read the next section of this Introduction.


  Ecopsychology in Action


  • Strengthen your livelihood.  Include Eco-Art Therapy certification or Yoga With Nature as an optional part of it.
  • Accredit and increasingly green your prior training and life experience.
  • Honor your life by genuinely honoring all of life
  • Gain the peak performance expertise to bring about reasonable change that improves all of life as it improves your life.
  • YOU ARE BORN AS PART OF NATURE’S BALANCED LOVE, FUNCTIONS AND GENIUS. However, we all suffer many disorders due to the fact that, on average:
    • Over 99 percent of how we think and feel is disconnected from nature’s self-correcting and restorative ways of the eons.
    • More than 95 percent of our time on Earth is spent indoors, boxed in and away from nature’s balanced perfections.
    • WE HELP YOU take a giant step beyond lip service.You learn how to genuinely think and feel outside the box.

You and I are unbalanced because the intelligence of our inherent natural psyche is abandoned and stressed like a fish out of water.  Nature’s authentic whole-life dance is homeless in most people’s mind and spirit. We have lost daily contact with its unifying energies, balance and peace.

We have learned to live like people in a room filled with laser beams that we can’t see. Every time we move too far towards something whole-life reasonable we get burned.

Project NatureConnect provides you with safe, free, award winning, “Rosetta Stone,” sensory activities to safely achieve whole-life thoughts, feelings and relationships. They work because they help you reasonably utilize nature’s renewing energies to remedy the uncomfortable estrangement of our mind, spirit and soul from the natural world.Because they are a free, instant and purifying antidote for our disastrous corruption, our activities give you the ability to increase health and wellness as well as benefit from nature as higher power.

If you invented a pill with the immediate balancing, purifying and healing powers of nature’s love, you would become a billionaire overnight because the pill’s side effects, rather than being destructive, would increase the wellness of society and the environment.  Our ECHN courses are that pill. You can learn and teach them as a livelihood. You can increase your well-being by personifying the ECHN process.
Questions? Call Mike: 360-378-6313

Your Sitemap: Use our annotated Index and Contents to guide you through this website. Please visit this page and bookmark it.

Recommended: Take the new, self-paced, guided express tour through the highlights of ECHN and its opportunities.  Select Here


Your Sitemap: Use our annotated Index and Contents to guide you through this website. Please visit this page and bookmark it.

/Recommended: Take the new, self-paced, guided express tour through the highlights of ECHN and its opportunities. Select Here http://www.ecopsych.com/www.wholelifemoment.com


To continue, please choose your next step:

Enroll in our Orientation Program

Explore the special opportunities offered by ECHN

– Read the next section of this Introduction.

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ECHN Whole Life Art and ScienceUniversal Heart

Flat outstretched upon a mound
​Of earth I lie; I press my ear 
Against its surface and I hear
Far off and deep, the measured sound
Of heart that beats within the ground.
And with it pounds in harmony
The swift, familiar heart in me.
They pulse as one, together swell,
Together fall; I cannot tell
My sound from earth’s, for I am part
Of rhythmic, universal heart.

~ Elizabeth Odell

ECHN had been around for quite some time…here are few videos for you to enjoy and grasp what this is all about.